Monday, May 23, 2005

What's worth getting your minivan stolen?

We had our lowest turnout, yesterday (somewhere in the 50's, dh didn't give me an exact figure, he must've been depressed about it, lol).

YET, there was someone who indicated that he accepted Jesus as his Savior, yesterday! Woohoo!

About 9 mths ago, our minivan got stolen from in front of our house. It was unlocked, but our neighbors had unlocked vehicles parked in the road, also. It was a common thing. The police discovered who had stolen it, but it was trashed and beyond worth repairing. There is a reconciliation group that met with the 2 teens and my dh, this past winter. We decided that community service, with our church, would be the best thing to offer as reconciliation. The boys agreed. One of them was a really nice boy, it was his first offense, and it seemed like it was a matter of him hanging around the wrong crowd at the wrong time. That boy began his community service in April. The other one will start, soon, I don't know when. It cracks me up when I think about it. Of all the cars to steal, they stole a Pastor's car, the only one who could make it a mandate to attend church, lol!! The one boy comes early on Sunday morning to help setup, stays throughout the service, then helps break down. He's been acting like he really enjoys himself, and gets along well with everyone.

This past Sunday, he indicated that he accepted Jesus as his Savior! I am soo thrilled! Is it worth a car being stolen? I'd have to say, yes!


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