Saturday, April 16, 2005

DOing Children's Church? Here's what we're doing

We're not having Sunday School. I like Sunday school, but I think it should occur after the service, and I think it should be called something else, like LIFE groups after church. So that people don't think of it the same way they normally do.

But, we're not doing that, right now. We do have a children's program during the church service. We've divided up the ages for 2 reasons: 1- children DO learn better with others similar in age-range. 2- if we're expecting many unchurched people - the unchurched expect age-appropriate activities because our society as a whole has that. So, whether we agree philosophically or not, it's what our society does, and we need to do what's most comfortable and familiar for the unchurched.

Now, having just said that, we don't have any class for the 3rd through 5th graders, nor anyone older than that! It's not because we don't want to, it's because we don't have enough adult workers. So, one day, we will. For now, the way we handle it is, we give out clipboards with message-related activity sheets (I get them from When the kids return the clipboards, if any one of their sheets is filled out, they get candy!

We've been using Group publishing's "Hands-on" curriculum. I *love* it! They mainly use reproducibles, and they give you an outline of your classtime. Each activity (most are games) reinforces the one theme/lesson for the day. The games are fun, and the kids are not sitting still being bored by a long lesson. I also include video clips of the Bible story we highlight. I get the videos by doing a search on Netflix, and then rent that video! Kids these days are naturally attuned to videos. We may not like that that's all they have/do, but instead of fighting it, use it!

So far, all the kids that do come into our class have told their parents "that's the best class - I want to come back." It's nice to hear that! Last week, a teenager taught the class, so it's not the teaching ability - it's the activities.

This is how we handle security. Every 1st time attender fills out a registration card. Then, every week, ALL students must "check-in" Each student fills out a sheet that has their number, name, and parent's name. Quick and easy stuff. The number is laminated and masking tape is on it with the number. When a student checks in, he gets his name put on the masking tape and it gets put on the child. The parent receives the laminated number. The parent obtains his child at the end of class by giving the teacher the laminated number. Supposedly, if a child gives us issues, we contact soundboard people and they flash the number on the screen. Also, very soon, we will have every teacher and helper who is in class fill out a background check form. I'll be talking to someone who I believe is a notary public, so we can get it all done there and file it immediately. All of this, we copied from another church. :0)


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