Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dollar Car Wash is a must DO

Today, our "in the community" event was a dollar car wash. We advertised in the paper and had posterboard signs "Car Wash $1" However, the trick is, they don't pay you the dollar, you give THEM a dollar.

We washed a little over 20 cars in 2 hrs. We got about 8 contact information and handed out our church info to all of those who came. The best part was seeing their reaction when we told them, no, we were giving THEM a dollar! People didn't even WANT to take a dollar from a church, lol. It was great. The thing is, everyone leaves with a great feeling about our church, and they will tell someone else.

I prayed that God would send people "ripe unto harvest." We were "laboring" out there and only He can send them to us. So, one college student began talking to me. She said she isn't a Christian and hadn't grown up with any religion, but she was really beginning to seek out her spiritual side. She asked me a lot of questions about what our church believed. She even asked me bluntly, what we believed about homosexuality. I told her that we felt it was like a person who deals with alcohol addiction or drug addiction. It's an area that's no worse than anybody else's, but it is an issue that only knowing God could solve. She then told me that she is a lesbian. I told her that I'd like to email her and discuss spiritual matters with her and she was willing! Sometimes, we must do events like these to "force" us to be where the unbelievers are.

Last Sunday, we had 77 attend our church service. I'm very happy with that. This week was sooo busy. I am really tired and still have a powerpoint presentation to work on and children's church lesson. This morning, dh is the head coach of our son's T-ball team, we had a game. All of these things we do are "good" for us to be out there in our community, but it's so tiring! Sometimes, I feel like we're stretched in 10 different directions. Today, after the t-ball game, after the car wash, we were supposed to have a small group leader training session at our house. No one came. I was very relieved!


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