Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A typical day for me

This morning, I put make-up on. Okay, that is NOT typical, lol. I only put it on Wednesdays, Sundays, and whatever day that I have to look good (like going out on a date with my dh). So, it IS a typical Wednesday. I go to our local elementary school and tutor a 1st grader, there. She is absolutely adorable!! But, today, she's gotten so used to me (she was so shy at the beginning), that she told me she was not going to read, anymore! I told her, if she never read anymore, I would not be able to visit her. Fortunately, she wanted me to come back!

When I got home, around 10am, my two youngest got homeschooled. I largely use workbooks. If I were homeschooling long-term, I'd probably use something different, but right now, I use what gets the job done! I am usually finished going over my boys' work by 11:30am, if we're having a good morning.

I love visiting's discussion board. I check that regularly throughout the day. Whenever I need a break from working on a website design, I go over there and rest my brain. Sometimes not. Sometimes, the posts are very thought-provoking! I particularly enjoy the lighthearted ones, though - because usually I need a rest!

I am editing the design of an already MADE website. THAT is such a pain! That means just because I'm adding 3 little elements into the page, I have to edit 30 pages! I'm dreading this work, but it's got to get done.

In about an hour, my oldest will come home from school. I will have to bug him about finishing his schoolwork. I will also have to think about what we'll eat - I hate cooking! This evening, I will watch tv from 8pm until 10pm. I love Smallville and I've been watching American Idol. I have no idea who will get booted off of American Idol, but I hope Anwar and Anthony stay on - they are the best singers. I don't have a favorite with the female singers. I think mainly because the strong ones are country-sounding, and I don't like country.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Debbie B said...

I love the way you are setting up your blog. I have no idea what I am doing. I wanted to include a verse like you did and I like your links! I guess I need to try and figure out more stuff. I did figure out how to post pictures and was really proud of myself. LOL

Blessings and it's wonderful how the church is going!!



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