Sunday, April 03, 2005

Eh hem, my name is Tess and I'm a fidgetaholic

Ok, not really. At least I don't drum my fingers incessantly. I do pace a lot, though. Especially when I'm on the phone. I always did it. As a teen, my Dad would get so mad at me and yell "you're wearing out the carpet, cut it out!" I just rolled my eyes. My mom would see me and say, "Would you stop pacing, you're making me nervous!" What was her problem? I liked to walk while I chatted on the phone! I'd just roll my eyes.

But, life has a way of getting back at you. My dh was reading Reader's Digest (yes, he's one of its youngest readers) and it stated that fidgeters and pacers are typically THIN people. And THIN people are typically fidgeters and pacers. So, he buys himself a pedometer. And before he steps out of bed, he puts it on. It's also the last thing that comes off at night. So, how does he increase his steppage every day? He paces.

He paces while he's on the phone, he paces during commercial breaks, and he paces when I talk to him. At first, I thought that my conversation was getting really exciting to him, and he was pacing because he was thinking so deeply upon my words of wisdom. But then, I began realizing that he was just pacing because he NEEDED more steps for the day! His goal is 10,000 a day.

Now, I see him pace and it drives me crazy. All I keep on thinking is, WHY IS HE SO NERVOUS? I often misinterpret his phone calls. Someone calls, he begins pacing, I begin wondering, "Did something tragic happen? Did a major problem come up? What is he trying to figure out??" Then I realize he's just joking with a friend AND getting his steps in for the day.

As I write this, I realize that my legs are shaking. I like doing that. Dh doesn't like it when I'm sitting in the same pew as him, haha. I don't know why-he gets his own personal vibrating seat! But, man, someone watching us for a day must surely think, "WHAT are they so nervous about?" Of course, all we have to tell them is "we're starting a new church in our town." And then it makes complete sense!

Btw, we survived Daylight Savings. We knew our attendance would drop because people would get up late and say, "forget it, not going to church." Or they'd get up on time and say, "forget it, I need more sleep!" Either way, less people come to church. We had 62...and our church planting district leader came. The perfect day for him to come - we were at our best worst!


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