Thursday, March 10, 2005

DON'T ask your kids to remind you of things unless you want to be bugged all the time

I forgot to mention, yesterday, that each morning I try to spend quality time with God. I read several chapters out of the Bible - I'm not really strict about it. I've used all sorts of ways to figure out what I read for the day. This year, I happen to read about 3 chapters out of the Old Testament and 1 chapter out of the New Testament.

Then, I journal. I tell God what's on my mind, what I'm struggling with, and then I ask God for forgiveness for stuff I know I've done wrong. I then pray for my dh and each of my boys. I have a list of character traits that I want to see developed in my boys. It's about a list of 30, total. So, for today, I prayed that my boys would learn kindness.

When I began this, I had hoped I would mention it to the kids, every day, so that it would be fresh on their minds. But, life happens, and I found myself forgetting more than remembering. So, I began making sheets of the character trait, and put them on the refrigerator. My boys just happen to be at the age where, once I tell them one thing, THEY never forget, lol! I forgot to renew the sheets every morning, so every day since then, they have been asking ME what I prayed for them about, that day!


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