Saturday, March 12, 2005

My Adoption Story

Today, I videotaped myself telling my adoption story. My dh is teaching about John 1:12 - "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." He figured my adoption story is an excellent example of that verse. Here it is:

What was your life like before you were adopted?
I was adopted when I was 4 yrs old, and I do remember the day I came over to America. However, I don’t remember anything before then. My papers state that I was abandoned as an infant. I was found and put into an orphanage, and they guessed my age to be about 6 mths. So, I don’t even know my real birthday or would never be able to find out who my biological parents are. I was severely malnutritioned when they found me, and the orphanage did bring me back to health. Most of what I ate there was rice, though. It was a very typical orphanage in a poor section of South Korea. The social worker told my adoptive parents a story about me. She said when she visited the orphanage, one day. Everyone was sitting in a circle during singing time. At one point, I just got up from my seat, walked over to her and put my head on her lap. That was when she knew I needed a family, right away.

What would your life have been like if you’d never been adopted?
I wouldn’t be here! America is the land of opportunity. If you have a dream, you can make it come true. No other country is like that! South Korea is a free country, but the poverty there is widespread! Seoul is the only city that prevents S. Korea from being considered a 3rd world country. I am amazed at the opportunities and blessings God has given me! He pulled me out of the worst possible conditions and gave me an incredible life! I don’t know why He did that but I am eternally grateful!

How did adoption change your life?
In the orphanage papers I received, they stated that each day, I was getting more and more introverted. If you know me, you would find that hard to believe, today! I had caretakers, but not parents. Without having that love pouring into me, I know I wouldn’t be the person I am, today. My parents taught me to work hard. They taught me that I had value as a person. I had something to contribute to the world and to others. My parents provided opportunities for education I never would’ve had. I got to go to Liberty University, where I met my future spouse! And I have three wonderful, adorable boys!

How did being adopted help you really understand the uniqueness of being a child of God?
When I was very young, when I told my friends that I was adopted, they’d say, “that is so sad!” And that perplexed me a great deal! I thought it was fantastic that I was adopted! Even more so, today, because I think adoption is a clear picture of God giving us the privilege to be His child. When I came over to America, to my parents, I realized what an incredible thing they did for me. But, it would’ve been ridiculous for a 4 yr old to try to show her appreciation by maybe, cleaning their house – I couldn’t have done a good job even if I tried. They didn’t want a servant, they wanted a daughter! That meant, they wanted me to love them right back. They wanted me to get to know them, and they DID want me to obey them, because they knew what was best for me. God has done something incredible – He's allowed us the privilege to be called His child. Once we accept that privilege, He doesn’t expect us to become His slave. He wants us to have a relationship with Him – get to know Him, begin to understand how much He loves us and what opportunities He has in store for us. He simply wants us to obey Him because He knows what’s best for us!

What difference do you see in your life because you've trusted Jesus as your Savior?
Just like I can't really imagine what my life would've been like if I hadn't been adopted,
I was really young when I trusted Jesus as my Savior, so I don't truly know what my life would've been like without knowing Him. However, I don't think I would've had this joy that permeates my entire life! God is truly wonderful, loving, and gracious!


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