Monday, April 25, 2005

Will I get a day of rest?

We all know Sundays are not a day of rest for Pastors. Saturdays are not a day of rest for church planters (because church planters are usually doing the job of 10 people, so no matter how much you plan in advance, you STILL have to do something on
Saturday). So, last week, I'd been pretty busy, didn't have a break, and usually, after Sunday, I chill out on Mondays. But, I can't relax today, Monday, because we changed our life group meeting to tonight. So, I have to clean house. My body is soo tired! I was grouchy all day. And dh is amazingly cheerful. We had 65 yesterday, at church. But, there were 3 decisions for Christ made! Praise the Lord!

So, I'm complaining, anyway, to dh. And the phone rings. Someone is interested in attending our church. First time I ever got a call out of the blue, like that. Another call I get is from someone who saw a website I created and wants me to create theirs! My first paying job! Dh cheerfully says, "there's good news even on days when you're tired!" And then, 9 people came tonight - half were teens from our neighborhood. Oh, the teen who stole our car has been coming regularly. He's been a huge help. I think he's enjoying himself, too. These teens who came to life group meeting said they are coming Sunday. We'll see.

There are so many jobs that we are filling in, and there aren't enough people coming to relieve us of those jobs, yet. YET, we are really seeing huge impacts - salvation decisions, already. Teens that we'd been hanging around, coming around. And, anyone we tell that about 70-75 people attend - they are thrilled for us! They feel that's a good number. It seems so small to me. But, at least we are seeing results - I'd rather it be small, and we see new visitors every time, and people getting saved every time - than lots of people and no decisions being made.


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