Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's an indoor fountain...no, it's just a portable baptistry!

We had our first baptismal service, this past Sunday. We had 7 people baptized. Three of them were people who made decisions for Christ upon attending our church. We were truly blessed to see fruit like that. We used a baptistry called "portable baptistry." It's an aluminum frame with a thick rectangular tarp inside. We filled it using a hose from the sink and then we emptied it using a tiny pump.

At the beginning of service, we filled it up halfway. In the middle of the service, one of the guys went to fill it up the rest of the way. However, the nozzle was facing up. All of a sudden, the sound people heard a "sshhwishhhhh" and turned around to discover a FOUNTAIN behind them! The guys managed to calm the geiser down before it did too much damage, but I'm sure it was quite a sight, lol!

We had 87 people at this service.


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