Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Contemplations on Baby Jesus and adoption....

I am regularly on a discussion board (teachingmom.com) for homeschooling moms. Although I only homeschool my boys their first couple of schoolyears, I find comraderie with many of the women, there. A poll they had got me thinking. They asked who you would want to have a long "sit and chat" with if you had an opportunity, living or deceased. I knew I'd definitely want to talk to Mary, Jesus' earthly mother, and in a heartbeat, I'd love to talk to my biological parents. I don't know who they are, and since I was abandoned as an infant, I'll probably not know in this lifetime.

But, it got me thinking about what I'd say to them. I think I'd like to meet them because, even though they didn't make one difference in my *real* life, they do affect my approach to problems, and I'd love to see if some quirks they have are evident in my own boys. What mannerisms have I inherited from them? Sometimes, characteristics skip a generation. There are some things that our middle son is so different from either his father or myself. Would we see my biological mom or dad in him? I'm almost certain we would! What makes me laugh now, is that he's SOO much like my (adopted) sister!! So, we always joke, "oh yeah, he's so much like his aunt." Of course, physically, that's not true - nothing was inherited in our family. My adoptive parents adopted myself, then my younger sister (not bio), and then my older sister (again, not bio). We have a good laugh when strangers tell us that we look alike!

It also got me thinking, what did MARY, Jesus' mother think as she took care of her infant? She really had the opportunity to SEE character traits of HIS Father! Wow. She must've been awed so many times. She must've felt the burden, too. It's bad enough trying to be a perfect parent to a bunch of brats, lol. I can't imagine trying to parent the perfect child! Or, maybe what's worse is how she felt when the second child came along, lol!!! What a shock for her! Those are definitely things I'd want to talk about with her. I didn't have the shock, myself. My first child was definitely the hardest, as an infant. Each son got easier and easier, after that. My youngest son is so easy-going! I wonder if she found herself modeling her own Son? I guess, there are times that my children are so ready to quickly obey God! And they surprise me, and make me wonder why my attitude wasn't better, like their's?

I also wanted to talk to Peter Jackson. That's only because I loved how he made the Lord of Ring movies. They are probably my favorite movies, of all. Hmm, I guess I'd want to talk to Tolkien, too - afterall, he wrote the book!

I didn't list anyone popular, today. Fame is so highly overrated. I used to be star-struck. But, you quickly learn that they are just *people* and some of those stars are not exactly interesting people to me, lol! Then again, I am of little interest to most people!! I am definitely one of those boring people. I think if anyone likes talking to me, it's because I listen well, but that's about all I offer. I do not have a scintillating personality by any reach of the imagination, lol! Even my husband told me what he loves about me most is that I'm so even-keeled. I did a personality test that told me I was a "diligent." I think that's okay, though. I'm safe, secure, and I like making my home feel safe, comfy, warm, and cozy. Peaceful.


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