Saturday, November 10, 2007

Serious Battles, the Fun is over (was that fun before?)...

Uh, yes, it was fun before. Remember my excitement about setting up the rooms? I felt like I could do it EVERY week! Now that I *do* do it every week, I don't want to. Neither do the rest of the "core team." But, that's really not an issue. That's just us getting bored/tired of the same old thing.

Actually, on a serious note, my husband and I have had to grow up, really quickly. I'd heard other pastors and pastor's wives tell me, "it's a spiritual battle, you know." Yes, I know it's a spiritual battle. I'd nod in hearty agreement, but I *really* didn't know. I only knew in my mind. I'm not sure there's a way to prep for this kind of thing, either. I think, we just go through it, like a soldier goes into battle. He knows it's a battle, but he really doesn't realize how hard and heart-wrenching it is until he's in it. He doesn't understand the *real* fears he faces, nor how hard it would be to pull the trigger, knowing he's ending a life, a precious life, that some individual did value.

We're in a battle, a spiritual one. Perhaps one difference is, my husband and I knew it may/would be coming. I guess others were blindsided and shocked. The evil one is the father of terrorists, so why should we be surprised when he employs terroristic tactics?

Now that I've explained the *real* issue. This is how it's playing out in the "shadowlands." (I'm referring to CS Lewis comment that we live in the shadowlands, and the *real* world is the spiritual world).


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