Saturday, August 12, 2006

A S*x Offender Lives Across the Street

This is very upsetting news to me. My neighbor gave me the info, this past week. I'd checked the offender registry before, but not since a group of people moved in a few months ago.

What's strange is that dh and I had been discussing this issue a few weeks ago. What if we knew a s*x offender who wanted to attend our church? Would we allow him? Would we have to tell everyone? Right now, there are enough kids that just go to the restroom on their own. What if the person managed to be in there alone with the child? Should we only let the s*x offender attend a small Bible study group for men or something? How does God expect us to treat them? I *know* God can change a person like that, but it doesn't mean that we let down our guard of our children.

And, should we as neighbors talk to him? Someone mentioned letting him know we know the truth about him. Yet, I don't want our children seeing us talk to him, get comfortable around him, and think it's okay to talk to him. I want them to be oblivious to his existence. I'll probably watch them every time they step outside. It's probably what I *should* have been doing all along, but now there's a reason. I really want to move. *sigh* It's really scary dealing with nonChristians. And what if this is all in this guy's past and he's trying to recover decently? I know God changes people for good. I just don't want to take a chance with my kids.

If we have a church that we want unbelievers to feel welcome attending, then we also need to remember that while in the church building, we're not automatically safe. We can't assume everyone's a Christian. I knew that, but it's easier to remember that with a church that's over 300. You *know* you don't know everyone personally. Now, though, with church being so small, you feel like you know everyone, even though there's always 5 or 6 first-time guests.

It kind of confirmed one thing for me, though - I won't homeschool my youngest son. 1) He was assigned what I deem the best teacher in his grade. 2) I found out about the person across the street. I know I won't be able to keep an eye on him after we finish homeschooling. He always wandered outside after schoolwork. So, this clinches it for me.

Update on church: this Sunday, we're having a sort of joint service with another church plant (nondenominational) in our area. They can't use their normal rental space because of some special show or something. So, their music people are joining our praise team. That's about the only combined effort there will be. Otherwise, they are just attending our church. I hope it's not too weird. It's rather exciting. I personally would like to see us merge. I'd *love* to have their children's pastor!! I'm not cut out to handle the children's program. I *love* working with the computer stuff. I'm just working where I'm needed, but children are not my area of giftedness. And eventually, that shows up.


At 5:40 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

my parent's planted a church in miami almost 10 years ago, and just this last sunday we implemented an application for all children's ministry workers to fill out with a pastor to protect our children against this very thing.

We also have a bathroom policy that two adults accompany each child to the bathroom.

It is a scary thought, because we want our children protected, but as you said, God is big enough to change anyone.

I will pray for you, that God would bless you with wisdom and peace.


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