Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter 2007!!

Wow, what a weekend! It started off with a major headache, ouch. I had so many things to do, and my head hurt too much for me to do any of it.

Friday morning, I went grocery shopping for the Seder Meal our church and the local Assembly of God church was joint-hosting. That evening, we were having our marriage life group meeting. Thankfully, my husband went to this couple's house and video'ed the testimony of the one lady. The next morning, I made 4 batches of passover brownies (made with matzoh - interesting). We had snow and it made me wonder if we'd have the Egg hunt that we were hosting with the local Presbyterian church. We DID have it, but I didn't go. Two other ladies were in charge of it, and they did a fantastic job!! They had someone dress up as the Easter Bunny to pose with the children for pictures, and we will email the digital photo of their child. This also enables us to invite them out to our church, later on! They had a craft table, where they made little sandart, and they had an obstacle course moonbounce. I think about 50 kids came, which was great considering it was 32° outside! Each age group had an opportunity to find eggs. I think we had about 1000 eggs.

I was supposed to go to a baby shower, but I skipped that as well. Instead, I worked on powerpoint for my husband's message. That evening, we had our Seder Meal. I really love this meal. We have this person officiate, who actually speaks some of the parts in Hebrew - way cool. Also, he explains the different meanings of the meal, and also, how Jesus fulfilled some of the traditions! It's amazing! I didn't go to the Seder Meal, though - still felt bad. I worked on getting 2 videos of testimonies onto DVD.

What was so amazing was that, previously, I had to do so much of each of those kinds of events. It turned out that even though I skipped out, no one needed me! That is a huge step our church plant has taken!

Today, I got my Sunday school lesson done. My husband got up early to speak at the community sunrise service. I don't know how that went. Our regular Easter service was made up of songs and testimonies intermingled. I heard it was great! We had 152 people attend! This is our highest attendance, so far. I've been totally excited - everything that happened this weekend was wonderful - despite my feeling pretty sick!


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