Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Rain Won't Stop....

It's been raining a LOT these past few weeks. The weather seems to be reflecting what's been going on at church, as well. I'm beginning to think that all of these "issues" that families have in a church is common. The average pastor must have to deal with all of these problems - and I had no clue. I guess, I just didn't expect there to be so many, all at once. It's a bit overwhelming.

A daughter of a strong Christian family in our church has been put into a program for anorexia. She definitely has it bad. Several of us have joined together in prayer and fasting. This girl's mind needs a breakthrough. At the same time, I get very frustrated. I was willing to leave, straight after work to head to this girl's clinic (2 hrs away). All of these other ladies were telling me they would join me, and now, not 1 out of 10 ladies can make it. Half of them don't even have little kids like me. I try not to focus on that, though, but my flesh is frustrated.

A good friend of mine has decided that she needs a break from her husband, so she is renting a room and is staying there w/one of her kids. She left her husband and other child. She's still in the same town, but she says she needs to think through things. She's positive that she's not in love with her husband and wants to find true love, I believe. I want to knock her on the head. Not a good response from a Pastor's wife, is it? So, I just keep praying - at a distance - because she's been avoiding me. She already knows what I think about it, I'm sure that's why she's avoiding me.

The music leader has stepped down. She is still going to be on the praise team, but she doesn't want to lead, anymore. I know it's because she's working a FT job and life is just stressful doing all of that. I couldn't do it all. So, I don't know what's going to happen. I hope it isn't her way of leaving the church.

We are still averaging roughly 115 each Sunday (give or take 10). We had a successful Easter egg hunt (over 200) but not very many for Easter Sunday (more than normal, but not our highest).

Lastly, I had some long, deep debates with the teacher I assist. We get along great, and I don't anticipate that our debates will affect that, but still - our discussions were pretty intense about evolution, creationism, believing the whole Bible and every other topic in between. At least, I was able to let her know I am one of those who believe the Bible literally. She really seems to look down on the "literalists." She feels the Bible is good for sharing how to get along with others, just like many other sources of religious works. I like that she is honest about what she stands for. She's pretty tough to crack, though. I just hope some things that I say make sense to her. At least I was honest about what I stood for.